Sunday, June 8, 2008

simultaneously slow and fast

do i have time to waste or am i wasting time?
captivated by nuances;
caught between irony and coincidence;

time is priceless, the most valuable intangible commodity
in the world, in life;
depleting, non-renewable, and unique.

clocks wind and tick.
the sand slips, spiralling down the narrow canal,
into a void we can not flip the other side.

...'s up, time...

to "make time", "go back in time," or "be timeless,"
you'd have to be fictional, fantastic or mythical;
acceptance is work, the truth is harsh.

time moves and passes, the most common cause of death.
time swiftly prances and drags,
simultaneously slow and fast.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

to twats

keep me in the loop first, otherwise bug off and quit wasting my time.