Monday, July 13, 2009

wasting time and missing the clock

i'm wasting my time waiting for pages and things to load.

the solution i cooked up for my daily tensions is starting to cause even more stress. tsk.

the connection lag and the turtle paced speed of my laptop plus the nuisance i call work (i'm kidding boss), they all suck.

i have a good connection except when it rains. the wireless broadband i recently subscribed to so i'd be online while at work is pretty solid. but sometimes i get to sites and online applications that are too congested, so i have to wait. and the loading time can be a little irritating.

(unable to load: please click here to try again. :P)

meanwhile, i recently remembered how i missed then pinball number count clock. i even stumbled on someone's blog giving instructions on how to do a tangible replica of the animated version.

the song just keeps running in my head. onetwothree, four, five, sixseveneight, nine, ten, e-leven, twe-eh-eh-elve.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

the more time i have,

...the less time i have.

similar to how eating a lot, pigging out, tends to stretch your stomach and intestines, so much so that the next time you'd be dining you can already expect another increase in your appetite.

sometimes when you think you have a little free time, you'd go a little overboard and check so many things in advance on your to-do list.

the temptation to fill something empty is just irresistible sometimes.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

seven eight nine

i checked the calendar this morning and realized it's the eight of july, year 2009.

except for my father-in-law's birthday today, can anything else about this date - 07/08/09, be special?

i guess not.

unless you have a lot of time in your hands to tinker with useless thoughts to shift from boredom to kookiness, thinking about this is no doubt a big waste of your time.

the only interesting aspect is probably the obvious chronological order associated with the month/day/year format. last year we had 06/07/08. the year before that, 05/06/07. going back when it started six years ago, it was 01/02/03. next year we'll be having 08/09/10, followed by 9/10/11, then 10/11/12, 11/12/13, until the last possible chronological sequence five years from now, 12/13/14. note how even the months/days move plus 1 month and a day as a year pass by. truly amazing! ok, number-lover wonderboys, please avoid peeing in your trousers, at least until i'm done with this nonesense.

we have several chances left to celebrate chronology and sortedness. we celebrate religious holidays, anniversaries and birthdays, even weird commercial holidays, so why not have a day for chronology?

i believe orderliness is tough to maintain, and it serves a great purpose, but we rarely spend time to show our gratitude to this mathematical code; a numerical rule we follow that best facilitates the continued growth and civility of our society while generally helping us avoid chaos and rampant destruction (unless these codes are utilized for evil purposes of course).

i propose we do this little remembrance today, and next year august 9, and then on the 10th of september 2011, and so on. we probably just spend a few seconds thinking about math, be thankful for its existence and all the advantages/benefits it brings to the table, and that'd be fine, that'd be enough.

i posted 7.8.9. on plurk and got a reply from daywalker. he said earlier today, it was 12:34:56. really amazing. :) today is the only day we'd ever have that seemingly forced coincidence of hour:minutes:seconds month/day/year in sequence from 1 to 9.

amazing stuff. but sadly, we can live well, and even happier, without talking about this.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

ron's mysteries

i'm not particularly bored this morning, probably just a little sleepy. i got to work late, again, and i turned my laptop on for some unnecessary -but much sought for- distraction.

after a slow start by my aging setup, i finally had the green light for browsing. i double-clicked on the firefox icon and 12 tabs from my last session started loading. my connection is pretty solid but i think my system can't catch up. sun broadband hasn't disappointed me; well, not yet... and hopefully it never will.

i went to my profile and checked some details on our band's posted page. after reading what i needed to read, i scrolled to the bottom of the page and i got to see the top album section (for each artist). i saw chem-bot fabrikator (of course it's the only album that i posted here) and then i saw something i've stumbled on several months back but forgot all about, ron's "mysteries of the heart" album.

i guess hundreds of thousands of people know you. and i bet you've got so many listeners and fans who all sway their hips to your probably jazzy ballads. this just really makes me embarrassed to say that i don't know you or your music. i am, however, Very interested in the mysteries that lie behind your sweet curls, your lovely facial hair, and your look-at-me-i'm-having-my-picture-taken-but-i'm-really-concerned-about-this-growing-lump-on-my-neck pose.