Saturday, July 4, 2009

ron's mysteries

i'm not particularly bored this morning, probably just a little sleepy. i got to work late, again, and i turned my laptop on for some unnecessary -but much sought for- distraction.

after a slow start by my aging setup, i finally had the green light for browsing. i double-clicked on the firefox icon and 12 tabs from my last session started loading. my connection is pretty solid but i think my system can't catch up. sun broadband hasn't disappointed me; well, not yet... and hopefully it never will.

i went to my profile and checked some details on our band's posted page. after reading what i needed to read, i scrolled to the bottom of the page and i got to see the top album section (for each artist). i saw chem-bot fabrikator (of course it's the only album that i posted here) and then i saw something i've stumbled on several months back but forgot all about, ron's "mysteries of the heart" album.

i guess hundreds of thousands of people know you. and i bet you've got so many listeners and fans who all sway their hips to your probably jazzy ballads. this just really makes me embarrassed to say that i don't know you or your music. i am, however, Very interested in the mysteries that lie behind your sweet curls, your lovely facial hair, and your look-at-me-i'm-having-my-picture-taken-but-i'm-really-concerned-about-this-growing-lump-on-my-neck pose.

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